1. Listen to Special Edition podcast from the A Vision 4 You website: How it Works by Harlan G.
  2. Read A Study Guide for Overeaters: Step 4.
  3. Read AA Big Book: How it Works, pages 63-71.
  4. Read AA 12 & 12: Step 4.
  5. Print and staple together one Resentment Form, one Character Defect Sheet (CDS), and one Fear Form to create a 3-page packet. You should have one packet for each of your resentments.
  6. Before you begin writing, ask your Higher Power for guidance about
      • what should be included in your inventory
      • what you need to learn during this process
  1. Write your resentments. Please disregard the multiple lines for each column, and write about only one resentment per 3-page packet. Use as many packets as necessary. Focus on your current issues. If you have already worked the steps, don’t bring up past issues you have already processed, unless they are still troubling you.
  2. For each packet, fill out “The causes” (column 2) for each resentment, again disregarding the multiple lines. Keep “The causes” column to 19 words or fewer, and utilize bullet points for multiple items.
  3. Fill out “Affects my” (column 3) by checking which of your instincts are affected for each resentment.
  4. Print out the Prayer Sheet. For each resentment, say the resentment prayer or the offended prayer in a way that works for you.

Referring to our list again. Putting out of our minds the wrongs others had done, we resolutely looked for our own mistakes. Where had we been selfish, dishonest, self-seeking and frightened? Though a situation had not been entirely our fault, we tried to disregard the other person involved entirely. Where were we to blame? The inventory was ours, not the other man’s.

  1. Turn to the CDS attached to each resentment. Use a highlighter to emphasize phrases that show how you have been selfish, dishonest, inconsiderate, etc. To further explain your part, add detailed notes. Look at this completed CDS (page1, page2) and read the examples bulleted below that may assist you as you complete your own CDS.

Notice on page 65 in the Big Book that each resentment contains an associated “fear.”

  1. For each resentment packet, turn to the Fear Form. In the first column, answer the questions, “What am I really afraid of? What is my core fear?” 
  2. Ask yourself, “Why do I have this fear?”  Keep it short (19 words or fewer). 
  3. Mark the appropriate responses for columns 3 and 4. Say the Fear Prayer in a way that works for you.
  4. Write out what GOD would have you be in column 6. Some people find the following meditation helpful: “If my Higher Power were to communicate directly to me regarding this issue, what might my higher power say?”  Pause and listen for any communication that may comes to you, and write whatever comes. If nothing comes to you, at this time, that’s ok. (This practice is know as Two-Way Prayer). View a completed Fear Form.


  1. Print out and complete additional Fear Forms, one for each fear you have that has no associated resentment. Make sure you follow the directions on the Fear Form, working from top to bottom to complete columns 1-5. For column 6, see #15 above.
  2. Print out as many Sex Conduct Forms as you need.
  3. Complete each form according to the directions on the top. You may want to use the Sex Inventory Sheet to help you.
  4. For your Harms Done Inventory, you will be using the Sex Conduct Form. Simply cross out “Sex Conduct” and write “Harms Done.”
  5. As you complete the Harms Done Inventory, modify the prayers so they are more meaningful to you. Examples of harms done include the following:
    • You scratched someone’s car and never told them.
    • You owe someone money.
    • You stole food from your roommate.
    • You gossiped about someone at work.
  1. Ask your higher power if you left anything out, or if there is something you have decided you are taking to your grave. Now is a beautiful opportunity for you to trust the process, turn your secrets over to your higher power, and let them go. Please write them on your Harms Done Inventory and be free.